1 The Issues

Accountability… in Social Media

Preservation… of Open Spaces

Support… Small Businesses

Vote… Karl Stecher


Karl Stecher Republican Senate

First, the COVID crisis (or response to it) has damaged the lives of so many people, in many cases destroying businesses beyond repair. I have great empathy for those who are struggling, and will work to give support as a legislator to those who are doing their best to recover.

Law and order: The prime function of government is to protect its citizens. I support law and order, and our police. I realize that unfortunate, heartbreaking incidents occur, but am dismayed at the media’s reporting in many of these episodes. I am appalled at the lack of concern in many cities as criminals are allowed to destroy property and lives without punishment.

Social media: I will fight to expose violations of freedom of speech. Big Tech censorship has hit epic proportions and Americans must FIGHT to ensure our 1st Amendment freedoms.

Education: As a physician and educator, I am close to education in all forms. I support keeping open pathways for all avenues of education so that our people can succeed in whatever path they choose… public school, private, religious, charter, college, trade…and believe that government should treat all equally and fairly.

Medical care: I want good medical care for everyone, and fought for that during my career and also currently. As we all know, costs are high. I have several common sense ideas to lower costs while providing good care for all.

Military: I believe in a strong military and applaud how it has been supported and strengthened in the past three years. I served as an Army captain at the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research and discovered a few things about shock due to blood loss and its treatment. I was able to present the work in several cities and at the Army Science Conference at West Point. A strong military discourages enemies.

Conservation: As a lifelong birdwatcher and naturalist, I appreciate nature. At the same time I realize that development is necessary for Aurora’s enlarging population. I support responsible development and planning which keeps our part of Colorado “green”. And I support the creation (and survival) of small businesses here.

Second amendment: This was written by the founders for a purpose. I support the right to keep and bear arms, and believe in self protection. I have fired a rifle only once at the range in the past 5 years, but was on the college varsity rifle team and won the Air Force ROTC rifle championship. I support responsible gun ownership.